20 Students Enjoy First Traditional Study Abroad Program for the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Foundations
Dr. Ty Abernathy, Associate Research Professor in Educational Psychology, led a study abroad trip to Vienna, Austria and Prague, Czech Republic May 16th-24th. The cross-listed and split-level educational psychology and psychology special topics course was entitled “An Exploration of the European Foundations in Psychology, Psychiatry, and Mental Health” and included 19 undergraduate and graduate students. The trip was the first traditional group study abroad program in the MSU College of Education. The group visited and toured the major sites in both cities including the Vienna City Center, Vienna City Hall (Rathaus), University of Vienna, Sigmund Freund Museum (including his apartment and practice where Psychoanalysis was developed), Schönbrunn Palace and Gardens, Old Town Square, Prague Castle, Museum of the Senses, Petrin Tower and Park, and Vltava River.